Today we will learn, How to separate Login and Registration page in woo commerce.
Edit your form-login.php under the wp-content/themes/yourthemefolder/woocommerce/myaccount folder. And seprate the Login and Registration form in 2 different section.
Now check for a
We can provide a link for registration as
<a href="' .get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('myaccount')). '?action=signup"> Register </a>
Edit your form-login.php under the wp-content/themes/yourthemefolder/woocommerce/myaccount folder. And seprate the Login and Registration form in 2 different section.
Now check for a
parameter in the page which will define which section to show. By default login will be shown, if parameter is found and is "signup", show registration section. Like below if( isset( $_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "signup"){
Section for registration form
}else {
Section for Login form
We can provide a link for registration as
<a href="' .get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('myaccount')). '?action=signup"> Register </a>
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